Jin Shin Jyutsu brings balance to the body’s energies, which promotes optimal health and well-being, and facilitates the body’s own profound healing capacity. In addition to being highly effective on its own, it can be used as a valuable complement to other healing methods. It also reduces the effect of stress on the body and induces relaxation and a sense of calmness.
Jin Shin Jyutsu is a multi-dimensional healing art that works to simultaneously harmonize the body, mind and spirit. It is an ancient art that on one level follows the principals of Traditional Asian Medicine, which maintain that all pain, discomfort, and disease are the result of the body’s energy system being out of harmony, “stuck” or “blocked.” In following the Traditional Asian Medicine philosophy of treating the body as a whole and resolving the problems at their core cellular level, it restores overall harmony.
When the energetic system is in harmony, the person experiences a sense of vitality and well-being and optimal health: they are in balance. However, when the system becomes blocked, then the body feels the effect, leading to health problems, manifest as physical, emotional, mental, or even spiritual symptoms.
The concept of a life energy that pervades the universe and gives life to all things has been unfamiliar to many of us in the Western world. Virtually all-traditional healing systems, from Ayurvedic to Greek and Chinese, are founded on the principle that in order to heal the body, the person must strengthen and harmonize the flow of life energy within. This principle provides the basis for such arts as acupuncture and acupressure, as well as for the healing herbs and foods of Chinese Medicine.
Literally translated, Jin Shin Jyutsu means: “Art of the Creator through Compassionate Man
Jin – Person of knowing and compassion
SHIN – Universal intelligence, Spirit, or Creator
Jyutsu – Art
To understand health from a Jin Shin Jyutsu perspective we must first begin with some fundamental ideas upon which all Traditional Asian Medicine is based. The most important concept is the belief that diminished mobility, health, and vitality are the result of the cumulative effects of energy blockages, rather than simply the inevitable result of genetics, stress, traumas, etc.
All living beings possess an internal energy that is called “Ki” in Japanese, or “Chi” in Chinese. This energy flows throughout the body, along internal energy pathways called meridians. When in balance, we experience good health, vitality, and mental clarity. However, the cumulative effects of common stresses of daily living, or emotional &/or physical trauma or injury, can cause the flow to become disrupted or destabilized. When left unresolved, this disruption causes the energy flow to stagnate, become blocked or even reverse direction, leading to physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual discomforts. These will eventually cause illnesses or prevent full recovery from an injury or illness.
Therapies based on Traditional Asian Medicine, such as Jin Shin Jyutsu, view health from a holistic view (whole being perspective). This differs from Western medicine where the emphasis is on treating or managing symptoms. Rather than focusing on eliminating symptoms, Jin Shin Jyutsu focuses on the process of healing body, mind, and spirit simultaneously in an integrated fashion, and resolving the cause of the symptoms.
Although it may appear similar in application, because it is applied using the fingers, Jin Shin Jyutsu should not be confused with acupressure or shiatsu. While those modalities work directly with the energy pathways, Jin Shin Jyutsu operates on a higher level, by ensuring there is an optimum supply of energy to the pathways. This is accomplished by special energy gateways, called Safety Energy Locks, which govern the direction and flow of energy in the body. The smooth flow of energy optimizes the body’s innate capacity for healing itself and for preventing illness from occurring.